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Visit Australia

Visit Australia 

  • Overview

       Australia, or Commonwealth of Australia, is found in the Southern Hemisphere and includes the Australian mainland, the island of Tasmania and a number of islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. There are six states, Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland, with two mainland territories, Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Inhabited for at least 40,000 years before the arrival of the Europeans, Australia has a rich natural history and unique flora and fauna.          

     Australia is known for its beautiful beaches, diving possibilities, the outback and the laid back attitude of its inhabitants

  • Climate

       Australia’s weather can vary wildly from one part of the country to another. The largest part of the country is actually semi-arid or desert. Australia’s northern regions have a more tropical climate as they are located closer to the Equator. The southeast and southwest have a more temperate climate. More than 80% of the country sees less than 24 inches of rain in a year. However, the other 20% can see over 160 inches in the same time frame. Snow is also quite common in Australia. It typically falls in the mountains of New South Wales, Tasmania, Australian Central Territory and Victoria. With the nation’s proximity to Antarctica it is also subject to extreme cold snaps, however, the summer months can also bring extreme heat, especially in the country’s central section. 

  • Transportation

   When in Australia, there are several modes of travel, including air, road and water. Given the vastness of the country, air travel is most preferred and convenient, especially with flights departing every 15 minutes. 

       Although long distance train travel does exist in Australia, it is often time consuming and expensive. However, if you want to experience train travel in Australia, you can do so with several operators linking some of the major cities. Additionally, you could opt to travel by the motorail, which allows you to carry your car along with you. Buses are an extremely popular mode of travel in Australia, which is convenient and cheap but often daunting, especially for long distances. You could rent a car travel by road across Australia, which incidentally is another really popular mode of traveling in the country.

  • Quick Facts

       Official Country Name: Common Wealth of Australia

      Capital: Canberra

      Largest City: Sydney

      Official Language: -

       Area: 7,617,930 Sq km

       Population: 22,584,515

      Currency: Australian Dollar                                     

      GDP (Per Capita):  39,692 US $

      Calling Code: +61 


bilal abid

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