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Visit Chile

Visit Chile

  • Overview

      Starting out in the driest desert in the world, Chile extends 4300 kilometers south to the massive glacial fields in the far south, with volcanoes, beautiful beaches, rainforests, geysers and a number of islands along the way. It is a very long narrow country rich in variety, culture and color. To the north is the border with Peru, to the east the mighty Andes Mountain range, to the west the Pacific Ocean and in the far south, the Drake Passage. Chile has had a checkered career but today it is one of South America’s most prosperous, stable nations

  • Climate

       Chile is a rugged country almost 2600 miles long, but only 100 to 200 miles wide. As a result of being covered mostly in mountains, much of the region sees snow at least during some part of the year. Northern Chile is actually one of the world’s driest regions averaging only 14 millimeters of rain a year. The daily temperature in this part of the country can range from 17 degrees Celsius to over 80 degree in the summer months. The central section of the country has a Mediterranean climate with warm and dry summers, while the winters are wet and mild. The southern portion is wet year round with highly changeable weather. Rainfall can be as high as 5000 millimeters which fall as snow in the higher elevations. In addition, the climate in southern Chile is generally mild to cool. 

  • Transportation

     Chile is well connected by flights, with the main hub being the Arturo Benito Menitez Airport (www.aeropuertosantiago.cl).

      Buses are a cheaper yet convenient alternative to planes in Chile with the entire country being connected with excellent bus routes. Major cities like Santiago have the Micro or microbus, which is a great alternative for traveling. Alternatively, you could opt for the Colectivo, which is a cross between a minibus and taxi. These are available aplenty in smaller routes and are excellent and fast ways to go to various places.

    The availability of myriad car rentals has made hiring a car and driving around extremely easy. Although this is slightly expensive than other modes of transport, it is equally popular.  

  • Quick Facts

         Official Country Name: Republic of Chile

         Capital: Santiago de Chile

         Largest City: Santiago de Chile

         Official Language: Spanish

        Area: 756,950 Sq km

        Population: 17,094,270

       Currency: Peso (CLP)

       GDP (Per Capita):  14,393 US $

        Calling Code: + 56


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