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Java Island of Indonesia

Java Island of Indonesia

       Java Island is the most densely populated island's most sophisticated and the island in the Indonesian archipelago. The island is divided politically between the provinces of West Java, Central and Eastern. The island is located in the capital, Jakarta. Java is an example of the rapid change in society and distinguished beautiful countryside and bustling cities and rural quiet streets with traffic congestion.

      The population of the island of Java in Indonesia about 143 million, is home to 57 percent of the Indonesian population's, which is the most densely populated island on earth. The Indonesian capital, Jakarta, located in western Java. To take a large part of Indonesian history in Java. There empires Hindu-Buddhist center strong, and Islamic sultanates, as the colonial essence of the Dutch East Indies. Java also was the center of the struggle for Indonesian independence during 1930 and 1940. Java is dominated politically, economically and culturally in Indonesia.

      Java island is the 13th largest island in the world and the fifth largest island in Indonesia. There are a series of volcanic mountains that form the backbone of East and West along the island. She has three major languages, with Javanese being the dominant language. Talking about 60 million people in Indonesia in the mother tongue, most of whom live in Java. Most of the languages ​​of the people of Java and Muslims, Java has a diverse mixture of religious beliefs, races, and cultures. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten, and also has its own area of ​​Jakarta and Yogyakarta.

bigger Java, Indonesia map


bilal abid

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