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Mount Kosciusko highest peak in Australia.

Mount Kosciusko highest peak in Australia

      Mount Kosciuszko is a mountain located between the Snowy Mountains in Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales. With rising 2,228 meters (7310 feet) above sea level, the highest mountain in the Australian continent (including foreign territory does not include). It was named by the Polish explorer Paul Edmund Strzelecki in 1840, in honor of the Polish national hero and hero of the American Revolutionary War General Tadeusz Kosciuszko's, because of the similarity between him and the Kosciuszko mound in Krakow.

      Previously reported name of the mountain to the "Mount Kosciusko", a Anglicisation, which was officially adopted in 1997 by the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales. The traditional English pronunciation of Kosciuszko, but with the use of this speech has become is the closest to a great extent in the Polish pronunciation. There are many indigenous people who call name (Ngarigo), which is the core of the names associated with the mountain.

  • Access to Summit

     Mount Kosciuszko is the highest peak in Australia (foreign territory does not include). There the road corridor to Charlotte, consisting of Msarimitd to 8 kilometers (5 miles) and that leads to the summit. Anyone with a modest level of fitness that can climb to the summit. Until 1977 it was possible to climb through Rawson Pass, which is located just a few meters from the summit. Track near Mount Kosciusko and Charlotte Pass closed for the arrival of General Motors through because of environmental concerns. This track is also used by cyclists as much as Rawson Pass, where he works to leave their bikes in the bike rack on top and continue to walk the path on foot.

     It can also be approaching the peak of Thredbo, a distance of 6.5 kilometers (4 miles), and should take between 3 and 3.5 hours for the trip back and forth. It's not a difficult walk, but can support throughout the year. From the top of the chairlift there walkway network that is submitted to the summit for the protection of native plants and prevent corrosion. Meet both tracks in Rawson Pass for the final climb to the summit of Kosciuszko. Higher public toilets built in Australia in 2007 in Rawson Pass at an altitude of 2,100 meters (6,900 feet). And more than 100,000 people visit the mountain each summer, but the human waste management has become a serious issue.

      Surrounding areas affected in the winter, spring and covered by snow (usually begins in June, which will last until October or later). The marking on the road from Charlotte Pass snow columns, which provide cross-country skiers guide which follows the path of Thredbo so easily covered by snow in winter.

      Kosciuszko National Park is also the site of the ski slopes slope closest to Canberra and Sydney, which contain Thredbo, Charlotte, and the ski resorts of Perisher Blue. Climb a lot of Indigenous Australians to Mount Kosciuszko, where the first recorded ascent by Europeans.

       Every year in December, Altura race driver that called Coast to Kosciuszko, which climbs to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko after starting away at the coast along the 240 kilometers happening (150 miles).

  •   Australia's highest mountains

    There are the highest peaks in the land that are managed or claimed by Australia, but outside the mainland / continent:
         Mawson (2745 meters or 9006 feet) on Heard Island
         Dome Argus (4,030 m or 13 220 feet), Mount McClintock (3490 m or 11 450 feet) and Mount Menzies (3,355 m or 11 007 feet) in the Australian Antarctic Territory.
The highest summits in geological Australian continent, but outside the mainland / Country:

         Puncak Jaya (4884 m or 16,024 ft.) In New Guinea.
         Puncak Mandala (4760 m or 15 620 feet) in Papua province in Indonesia. It is the second   highest mountain in the Australian continent, Oceania, Australia and New Guinea and Indonesia.
        Puncak Trikora (4,750 m or 15 580 feet) in Papua province in Indonesia.
       Mount Wilhelm (4,509 m or 14 793 feet) in Papua New Guinea. It is the highest mountain in the country.
       Mount Victoria (4,072 m or 13 360 feet) in Central Province, Papua New Guinea.
       Mount Giluwe (4,368 m or 14 331 feet) volcano in Papua New Guinea. It is the highest volcanic peak in the Australian continent.

Cultural References
The Australian rock band to perform a song called "Kosciuszko" in 1984. In the album Red Sails in the Sunset, referring to the mountain. The update to the spelling of



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