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Stay away from tablets vitamins may harm you

Stay away from tablets vitamins may harm you

        One red disk to build muscle and tablet Blue regenerate vitamins, and this principle is spread among athletes, but also in among people in general, but mostly meaningless, but that some of these discs may cause damage to the body as experts say. A report published by the newspaper "Die Welt" German said that it should not for anyone who wants to preserve his health that are quick to take vitamin tablets, draws from the body is food, and many of the vitamins recycled. People in Germany and spent 1.2 billion euros a year ($ 1.32 billion) for the supply of vitamins, but scientific data cast doubt on the feasibility of such a huge investment, but says that sometimes risk. Seeks athletes by eating vitamin tablets to improve the results of the muscle exercises, but a study released by the University of Oslo sports revealed that the use of caveats that vitamins may be great, but it may lead to negative results. The research team to provide the people who subjected them to experience a mixture of vitamin "C" and "D" discs allowing them to train during the ten-week period on the strength exercises. But the athletes who took the drive was not their shape better than form another group underwent the same training did not address vitamin tablets, but the performance of some of the vitamins tablets ate level was significantly lower than those who did not take them. And recorded with some of the athletes experience a deterioration in the level of protein in their bodies after taking vitamins. For endurance athletes muscle cramps probably resulted from the use of vitamins has suffered. It concluded a US study of the nineties of the last century, was conducted on 18 thousand smokers to ensure the feasibility of using "Multi Vitamin" tablets to strengthen the immune their system, that sort of bunches Asertanbdot formed in the lungs of took the disks, and so it has stopped completely given tablets "Multi Vitamin"


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